Paper Exchange Collages

An online group through the Plastic Club, an historic artist club in Philadelphia, hosted a paper exchange. I received a pack of hand decorated papers as well as photographs. The idea was to use the papers to make collages. I used the papers in conjunction with things I made or saved. Here they are below.Continue reading “Paper Exchange Collages”

Print Exchange

Every so often, I remember how fun it is to participate in a print exchange. This year, I choose to participate in the Emerald Print Exchange. The wonderful thing about print exchanges is that the thrill and benefits last long after the exchange ends because you are the recipient of a packet of wonderful printsContinue reading “Print Exchange”

Paper Quilt Collages & Drawings Continues

As a quick recap, this little book (4″ x 6″) contains both paper collages and drawings. The collages were originally inspired by a workshop at the National Gallery of Art about the Gees Bend Quilt movement, though I have strayed a bit from that on some collages. In addition, I thought it would be funContinue reading “Paper Quilt Collages & Drawings Continues”